Friday, June 3, 2016

Day 8 - Asking for Help & Getting Settled In

After yesterday's outing to Whole Foods, I came to grips that I am not handing this well.  I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety every time I have been to the grocery store in the last week - even at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods where there are numerous options to choose from that suit the Alpha Gal Allergy Diet.

I spoke with my husband about it last night ... and told him that I needed some support.  I need a shopping buddy.  Someone who can make food decisions for the rest of the family, along with being there for me in case I start feeling "sketchy".  Also - I am scared to touch meat packaging for items being purchased for the rest of the family.

This is the new normal and I need to rely on my family for support and encouragement.

Day 8:  Challenge #1
(Glass Half Empty)
Our teenage girls are having a massive cookie bake-off this morning.  Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies - one of my favorites.  I haven't had even a bite.  It's just not worth having a reaction.  I opted for a piece of my dairy free chocolate bar instead.  It was good, but not the same.

Day 8:  Challenge #2
(Glass Half Full)
Decided to research all the long term health benefits for cutting red meat out of my diet.  There's no time like your 50's to start a new healthy lifestyle, right?

The Benefits of Cutting Red Meat Out of Your Diet
  • Meat consumption raises your estrogen levels.
  • Women who eat red meat have a greater risk of breast cancer.
  • High red meat consumption increases your risk of colorectal cancer.
  • Just the act of cooking red meat may increase your risk of cancer.
  • Many women lose weight when they switch to fish.
  • Meats are high in certain endocrine disruptors and persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
  • People who eat more fish (and less meat) have lower rates of breast and prostate cancer.
  • Red meat is associated with an increased risk of diabetes.
  • Red meat increases uric acid and creatinine which increases risk of gout and kidney problems
  • Meat can be contaminated with superbugs, which can trigger food-borne illness.

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