Thursday, December 29, 2016

Updated Test Results - December 2016

Test Results (December 2016)
Trends from June to December (2016)

I have been diligent with my diet over the last 6 months - with only a few incidences of "unplanned" dairy or cross contact - causing either minor itchiness or upset stomach.  No further tick bites to date ... thanks to cooler weather, Deep Woods Off spray and insect repellent clothing.  My diligence is paying off in lower allergy testing values across all categories.

I am glad to see that my test results are trending in the right direction, and I am very pleased with my new results for Alpha Gal.  With a starting point of 77.5 - I never thought it would be down to single digits!

According to my allergy doctor at Duke - I get to start food testing dairy - starting with skim milk - 1 Tablespoon, then working my way up to greater quantities ... then onto 1% milk.  I see low fat cheese on the horizon - which would be awesome!  I will post results from my dairy trials in future blog posts ... stay tuned!

Back to testing results
(and enough of my dreams about cheese) ....

Interesting correlation between Alpha Gal Testing Results and results for other tests separately for IgE, Beef, Pork and Milk.

Allergy Blood Test         June 2016               December 2016

Alpha Gal                                   77.5                                8.15
(negative is <0.35)

IgE                                               317                                 113
(standard range 4-269)

Beef                                            15.3                                6.08
(negative is <0.35)
(equivocal is 0.35-0.70)

Pork                                             8.18                                3.00
(negative is <0.35)
(equivocal is 0.35-0.70)

Milk                                              3.01                                1.38
(negative is <0.35)
(equivocal is 0.35-0.70)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Answers to all my Crazy Questions .....

I have been accumulating questions for my next allergy doctor's visit (which was today).

As you can imagine - people ask me crazy questions and give weird and unfounded suggestions about this allergy.  If you are an Alpha Gal Allergy sufferer, you may be asked some of the same questions by friends, coworkers and relatives.

So here's the list - along with answers received today ....

Q -Any active cure or research for a cure?
A - No .... other than limiting exposure to the allergen and avoiding future tick bites .... which will caused your alpha gal "numbers" to come down over time.

Q - What about therapies like Plasma Exchange or Immunoglobulin Therapy?
A - These would not work on Alpha Gal Allergy

Q - Could a Fat Blocker (Orlistat or Alli) be used as a means to reduce fat absorption, therefore reduce absorption of Alpha Gal ...taken before or after a meal?
A- No, this would not work since the pill would separate the saccaride from the fatty acid.  The fatty acid absorption is blocked, but the saccaride component is not.

Q - Should I be concerned about developing other auto-immune diseases - Am I predisposed for MS, Lupus, etc?
A - No

Q - Am I able to take the Flu Shot?
A - Yes (no gelatin component)

Q - Am I able to take the Shingles Vaccine?
A - Not recommended for me since it does include gelatin (beef by-product) and since my Alpha Gal numbers were so high originally (77.5).

Note:  Other vaccines containing gelatin:  DTAP (pediatric), Measles (pediatric) and Yellow Fever

Q - Ridiculous Question:  Am I not able to eat whale, porpoise and bat (which are all mammals)?
A - No.  Alpha Gal is found in all lower primate and all non-primate mammals - so the only general classifications of mammals that do not have Alpha Gal are:  Man, Gorilla and Orangatang.  That means that less intelligent monkeys are off the food list ... like I really want them, right?  I have come to grips that I will not be able to travel the world with Indiana Jones!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Holiday Sugar Cookie Recipe - Alpha Gal Friendly

Sugar Cookie Recipe - Gluten Free, Dairy Free


3 cups Gluten Free All Purpose Flour (note:  Do not compact the flour)
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 stick of vegan butter substitute - I like and tolerate Country Crock (although it does contain Whey)
1 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg (at room temperature)
1 Tablespoon Unsweetened, Vanilla Almond Milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla


Preheat oven at 375 degrees.

Combine Flour, Baking Powder and Salt in a bowl

Separately in a Larger Bowl, Cream Butter Substitute, Sugar, Egg, Almond Milk and Vanilla

Add Dry Ingredients into Larger Bowl in thirds - mixing well each time.

Kneed into a ball - cut in half and wrap in parchment - cool in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes

Roll out and use cookie cutters.  Place on non-stick cookie sheets.

Bake (375 degrees) for 9-11 minutes.

Decorate with Icing.